Privacy Policy
Contaval automatismos y componentes electrónicos S.L.U. (hereinafter Contaval), informs customers and users of these general conditions of use, consultation and request for information through our website. The visit and use of our web site implies full acceptance by the user of the conditions expressed in this document. The visitor undertakes to use this web site in accordance with the law and these general conditions. Contaval reserves the right to modify the legal conditions set out in this document without prior notice.
Legal ownership and limitation of liability is the property of Contaval. Any transmission, transfer, sale, rental or public exhibition of all or part of this website is prohibited. Contaval reserves the right to modify the content of the website without prior notice. Likewise, Contaval declines any responsibility for possible damages that may arise from the non-availability or continuation of this web site. Users who send any type of information to Contaval undertake to ensure that such information is truthful and does not violate the dignity and rights of this company or of third parties. Likewise, the user must ensure that this transmission of data does not infringe current legislation.
Protection of personal data
Contaval is the owner of the database generated with the personal information provided by users. The user authorises the processing of the personal data supplied and which are necessary for the provision of the services offered by Contaval in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) which came into force on 25 May 2018. This database is never sold, transferred or disclosed by any system to other persons, companies or entities. Contaval guarantees that the treatment it gives to the data ensures the confidentiality and security of the same. The user is responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the data provided and Contaval reserves the right to delete from the database and exclude from the services provided those users who provide false data.
For both the interested party may exercise right of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition with respect to personal data contained in the expressed files, being able to revoke their consent in writing at any time. For this the user may contact Contaval by e-mail or written communication addressed to the postal address:
HR Department
Contaval automatismos y componentes electrónicos, S.L.U.
C/Benjamin Franklin,22
Parque Tecnológico
46980, Paterna (Valencia), Spain